My recollection of the 1972 Rolling Stones show in Tuscaloosa was recently published in a new book about Rolling Stones fans' memories of that tour from fifty years ago.
Dedicated to the memory of Andy Mears, George Byrd, Joey Laycock, Joe Rudd, Tippy Armstrong, Eddie Hinton, Lou Mullenix, Jerome Hopkins, Johnny Shines, Topper Price, Jimmy Young, Jimmy Kinkead,Bryan Wheeler,Billy McClain,Richard Kent,Travis Rozzelle,Al Connell,Jim Coleman ,Jesse Pribbenow(a.k.a.Dusty LeMont),Art Schilling,Nolan "Lanny" Hatcher,Roger Hagerty,George Fluker, Joe Tucker, Johnny Wyker, Courtney Haden, Ben Windham, Davey Williams, Fred Koons, other Tuscaloosa musicians.
My recollection of the 1972 Rolling Stones show in Tuscaloosa was recently published in a new book about Rolling Stones fans' memories of that tour from fifty years ago.